How the Coalition Acknowledged New Technology for Coalition

Diplomacy Documentation: The Digital Camera 

© 2009 Brad Kempo B.A. LL.B.

Barrister & Solicitor 


Back in the day of Gandhi and then Mandela, there were no computers, no Internet, no email, no websites.  Yet they still managed with the international community’s help to successfully deconstruct and reconstitute India and South Africa’s paradigms of governance.  In the first half of the first decade of the 21st century all of these technological capabilities – synergistically and seamlessly integrated with America’s uber-advanced and global intel systems – were employed to bring down an enthusiastically vile political and economic structure. 



When looking at what was available beginning in 2004 and what was on the market in 2009, the Fiefdom treatise author then now and currently has the most elementary of technologies at his disposal – all mid-1990s capabilities for the household; a computer with word processing software and an Internet connection.  When starting the research project he didn’t have the best of anything to advance his clients’ collective interests and assist in achieving stated objectives; and was still using dial-up.  And little changed during that half decade except upgrading to cable delivered Internet access.  


There’s been one addition in early December 2009 that places him more firmly in the last year of the first decade of the 21st century.  Not because he came into some money, but rather as a result of a gift he was able to purchase a top-of-the-line digital camera.  And he immediately put it to work: capturing video images of geo-relevant content from coalition productions. 


When coalition partners discovered this they immediately acknowledged this information – choosing the first comedy sketch of December 5th’s ‘Saturday Night Live’ to do so.  Lorne Michaels et al. scripted the opening segment spoofing the White House state dinner crashers to include the use of a digital camera.




The day before President Obama, appearing at a town hall meeting, embellished lexiconic gestures so they’d be captured and uploaded along with the authored word.  


Two days before that, and the day before the purchase, two of Canada’s Chinada complicit parliamentarians, cabinet minister and lawyer Jim Prentice and the Bloc’s Yvon Lévesque, literally thumbed their noses at the coalition.  And video stills were made of that so if a Fiefdom treatise recipient didn’t want to access the video stream they could immediately see it for him- or herself. 


Full use of the addition was made during former Secretary of State and Joint Chiefs Chairman Colin Powell’s December 7th official portrait unveiling


With Hollywood being so committed to coalition interests and objectives, the geo-films rented this past week were also documented using the digital camera to capture moments where the lexicon had been embedded:



And the camera afforded the ability to collect Chinada-relevant evidence in Dogville, as was documented in:





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